Aktualnie wyświetla treści dla Stany Zjednoczone

Zmień kraj

Our experience in the USA

We understand the desire to enhance security and efficiencies impacting justice facilities.

Each jurisdiction has distinct issues that need to be recognised and addressed.  We work with our clients to forecast populations, assess bed needs, evaluate secure correctional facilities, coordinate justice system entities, and plan and manage solutions to existing facility problems.

Managing projects effectively

We work diligently for and with clients to fully support programmes, operations, management and staff; enhance safety and security; foster staff efficiencies; facilitate ease of maintenance; achieve long-term economies in the cost of energy, staff, and maintenance; and meet all American Corrections Association and local standards and codes.

Our experience

Our total justice experience in the United States has exceeded $6 billion. We have worked closely with counties, states, federal and public sector clients on a wide range of justice projects. These include:

  • Maximum security
  • Protective custody and segregations
  • Medium security
  • Minimum security (including dormitories)
  • County jails (low, mid, and high-rise)
  • State correctional institutions (prisons)
  • Juvenile detention centres
  • Women’s correctional facilities
  • Intake and classification facilities
  • Correctional medical centres
Porozmawiaj z nami
Chris Soffe USA

Chris Soffe
Vice Chairman Americas, Non-Executive Director

Chcemy, by nasi Klienci wiedzieli, że do wszystkich naszych zadań podchodzimy z najwyższą uczciwością i starannością, zarówno w odniesieniu do sprawnego zarządzania budową czy ekspertyz nieruchomości. Darren Crocker, Head of Justice